Real Natural Masterpiece | Alexander Semenov, Arthur Anker

Alexander Semenov, Arthur Anker and other researchers and animals’ specialists produced a photography book 320 pages about rare animals showing the diversity of size, color, anatomy and creation of these obscure creatures.Looking at the extraordinary photos you will have your jaws dropped in front of these organisms that you won’t believe they are real! Nature is one of the most inspiring reasons that art exist.
Watching that book would make you take some time to contemplate the details, the segmentation, the tubes or funnel shaped structures, the spherical tests, the compound eyes, the patterns.

Courtesy of Alexander Semenov, Arthur Anker

You may not be interested to know how the biological system of these organisms work or the functioning of their body parts but for sure the way their inner structure work would be a great inspiration for space design, building design, product design, or art. Real Masterpiece!