Samseon-dong Mix-use | a round architects

The site bordered by 16m and 4m roads is L-shaped, and the corner of the site is important. The shape of Samseon-dong is inevitably L-shaped depending on the site, but when viewed together with the existing building on the left side of the site, the design was based on the fact that it can be completed as a square. Although the scale of the buildings is different, the same material, red brick, was used, and the design was conscious of the lines and proportions of the elevation so that the two buildings could be read as a single block.


© Choi Jinbo

The sense of massing created by connecting the two buildings on the divided site to look like a single block fits in with its surroundings while proposing a new density and scale for the future building. At the most important corner of the site, a triangular façade was created to create an impression of the building, making the interior look extraordinary from the outside and bringing vitality to the city.

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