Scottish Artist Creates Animated Paper Models for His ‘Growing Paper City’

Scottish Artist Creates Animated Paper Models for His ‘Growing Paper City’

Edinburgh-based artist Charles Young launched the project “Paperholm” in August 2014. For this project, Young would design a paper structure daily then photograph it and add it to his collection. By, August 2015, Young had constructed 365 models, but he didn’t stop. In November 2015, he continued his work by introducing 5 new islands to the existing collection.

Courtesy of Charles Young

Young’s “growing paper city” was put on display, for the first time in November 2016, at the Neon Digital Arts Festival in Dundee, Scotland. They were exhibited all together as an “archipelago”. Besides the high quality and dedication which can be clearly perceived in Young’s paper crafts, there is this quite interesting feature which makes his work quite unique; some of the pieces are animated.

Courtesy of Charles Young

Young uses for his paper models, 200gsm watercolor paper, and PVA Glue. “This method allows for rapid construction and exploration of diverse areas of architecture, pushing the possibilities of this single material,” says Young on his website. He, also, revealed that he aims to hit the 1000-piece benchmark by the end of this year.
So, here are some of Young’s most meticulous handiworks. Enjoy the tour through the whimsical Paper City.