Smoke Portraits | Octavian Mielu

Romanian born artist Octavian Mielu created a new project “Smoke Portraits”. It is a series of posters depicting celebrity portraits, suggesting the silhouettes through smoke-like lines. According to him, he chose smoke because “the lines are beautiful, the transparency forms different shades of black and grey and the lines of smoke make striking portraits.”

Courtesy of Octavian Mielu

While choosing the most famous photos from artists such as Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson or Mickey Mouse, in order for the portraits to be easy to recognize, he uses the help of “smoke” to give the portraits a ghostly appearance – which is highly interesting since most celebrities he paints have passed away.

Courtesy of Octavian Mielu

Delicate, yet a little disturbing, fun but also slightly macabre, Octavian Mielu’s paintings are for sure unconventional, while the artist prefers to call them “creative”.

Courtesy of Octavian Mielu

By:Lidia Ratoi
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