Courtesy of SOM
According to SOM, the new city planning is led by Phillip Enquist, SOM Partner in Charge of Urban Design and Planning, Daniel Ringelstein, Director of Urban Design and Planning, and George J. Efstathiou, SOM Consulting Partner. SOM city planners developed the initial framework and core principles of a sustainable new city. Designed in harmony with the local environment and shaped by the natural landscape, the vision for this new city was created to specifically meet the needs of a modern city with a burgeoning economy.

Courtesy of SOM
THE CAPITAL CAIRO will relieve the congestion of Greater Cairo’s high-density population that is expected to double by 2050. The vision has been carefully planned to accommodate a growing population, from over seven million people across all income groups, when fully realized.

Courtesy of SOM
“While we are at the earliest stages of design, the new city will be built on core principles that include places of education, economic opportunity, and quality of life for Egypt’s youthful population,” said Philip Enquist. “The new city will be designed and built in harmony with nature as a showcase of environmentally sensitive development.”
The idea is to lure Egyptians away from the chaotic sprawl of Cairo – where congestion and pollution seem as constant as the waters of the Nile. The authorities say it will spark a renaissance in the economy. Perhaps, but many here recall other flagship projects – which stalled in the past. Egyptian bureaucracy can be as enduring as the pyramids. The unique site is defined by wadis and a unique topography, which will be preserved and enhanced for future generations. The future city will be compact in urban form and anchored by concentrated development districts, including a central business district, a government administrative district, a cultural district, a knowledge and innovation district, and over 100 diverse residential neighborhoods.