You would expect deans to be very strict when it comes to the college of architecture and planning Sign; the symbol that represents them. However, that was not the case with the dean of the College of Architecture and Planning (CAP) at the Ball State University, Indiana, USA.
When asked if he wanted to re-space the letters of the sign to make it look good, he replied: “No, just stick it on the wall because it will look funny.” So much for planning, eh?
The whole incident took place in 1982 during the expansion process of CAP. In former years, the building had two entrances, one on the street and another one overlooking a bridge. The entrance on the street remained unchanged throughout the years but the bridge and the corresponding entrance were demolished to make way for the new building and hence the story of the wall-stuck-C began. The sign was removed to build a room to house some robotic equipment a few years back.