Untitled (Knight) is the product of the combination of two subjects: 15th century plate armor, and geological cave structure. Studied separately, these two subjects are completely unrelated.
The manmade geometric precision of plate armor is formally opposite of the flowing, organic stalactites and stalagmites. Seen together, these two parts present a striking contrast in form and create a theme of time and the effects of nature. The pose of the figure and the general composition are references to the classical sculpture “The Dying Gaul” of ancient Roman antiquity” said MorganThe artist described the sculpture as a mix of two contradicting sides creating a sense of surrealism when looked at . Adding this organic quality to the classical sculpture is like breaking the beat, disturbing the rhythm of a piece of music, but creating this interesting combination.
The meaning is changed, the feelings are changed, and the impact is a lot different. The sculpture is completed in another language. This visual transition takes you to another world in your mind, you see the sculpture completed, and nothing is missing. The eyes create this connection that makes the picture complete in your brain.