Suspense in Elasticity by Sophia Chang
Suspense is an installation by Sophia Chang, that offers its users an immerse experience, within its interactive cocoon, located in the Invivia gallery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The cocoon is made from Lycra; with this material, the installation can allow to be stretched in extreme ways, even wrapping it self around the galleries spiral staircase. Within the gallery the structure presents it self at various entrances and window opening, framing the external view.
Dividers are located within the space, dividing it into two separate halves. This adds an extra level of interaction between the users on either side, revealing their presence as a silhouette.
The experience of the installation is represented as a poché, which refers to the space within a wall. In defining this work, the designer uses the installation to give the users that claustrophobic experience as if being trapped in the space within the walls.

By Shanaire Blythe
Courtesy of Sophia Chang