20+ Sustainable Architecture and Design Books and Resources for Free

Sustainability in all fields of design is on the rise now, and we have no option but to subdue if we want to keep the Earth alive. The rapid progress in the fields of construction and industry throughout the past century has majorly affected the natural life on the planet and significantly reduced its resources. It has disturbed the balance, and now we have to restore it. Sustainability as a design trend and a lifestyle might be offering the final chance to avoid an inevitable catastrophe.

Reducing the negative impact of the built environment on its context starts from design. Architects have the power to control waste in construction and abuse of resources by future users of a building by making the right decisions, using the right materials, applying the right techniques, and utilizing the available technology in the most useful way. In order to be capable of designing sustainable architecture and cities, architects might need to extend their fields of knowledge to include some fields of geography, geology, properties of materials, fluid mechanics, among many others.

If you have made the decision to adopt the trend and go sustainable, we will help you. If you are more of a visual learner, here is a list of 10 Sustainable Design Online Courses for Free. However, if you are a bookworm, the following is a variety of helpful books and resources that will broaden your knowledge and put you on the right track.

sustainable architecture

Web Resources

Here, Autodesk offers “free online resources that teach the principles and practice of sustainability in engineering and design.” The offered resources are divided into two sections: Building Design and Product Design. Of course, your main concern as an architect will be “Building Design”, where you will find guidelines, basic concepts of sustainability, and eco-friendly design, in addition to illustrating videos for these concepts. Also, it integrates all the new information with Autodesk software and tools.

LEED is the world’s top international green building certification, introduced by the non-profit US Green Building Council. You can learn more about the certificate, its criteria, and its winning buildings via its website.


  1. Understanding Sustainable Architecture

  2. Strategies for Sustainable Architecture

  3. Sustainable Building Design Book

  4. Introduction to Architectural Science: The Basis of Sustainable Design

  5. Building with Earth: Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture

  6. The Whole Building Handbook: How to Design Healthy Efficient and Sustainable Buildings

  7. Green Building – Guidebook for Sustainable Architecture

  8. The GreenHouse: New Directions in Sustainable Architecture

  9. Eco-Urban Design

  10. Cities for Smart Environmental and Energy Futures: Impacts on Architecture and Technology

  11. Sustainable Facilities: Green Design, Construction, and Operations

  12. Environmental Engineering: Designing a Sustainable Future

  13. Architecture – Comfort and Energy

  14. Ecopolis: Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate

  15. Territory: Architecture Beyond Environment

  16. Sustainable Design: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning

  17. Architecture in a Climate of Change

  18. Earthbag Building – The Tools Tricks and Techniques

  19. Daylighting – Natural Light in Architecture

  20. The Complete Idiots Guide to Green Building and Remodeling

  21. Solar Power in Building Design: The Engineer’s Complete Design Resource

  22. Sustainable Design Reading Sampler 2012

This book contains the table of content and the first chapter from 6 books on sustainable design, published by Wiley.

Make sure to check Arch2O’s varied selections of sustainable architecture projects, designed by the world’s leading architects, in the Sustainability section.
