// This project has been voted as one of the best projects in Arch2O Students week 9 //
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High Rise Buildings Create Problems in the In Between Spaces, They Are neglected And Have Huge Ecological Problems (Air Pollution, Air tunnels, Increasing Carbon Dioxide Concentration … etc).
The In Between Spaces Could Be Treated and Transformed into pollution-harvesting spaces
Named Synth[e]tech[e]cology Parasite
The Project Predicts the Eventual Redundancy of High Rise Buildings and Suggests Re-Purposing them with the Spaces in Between as Pollution-Harvesting Systems that Collect Airborne Dirt Particles, Help to Reduce the Level of Pollution and Produce Alternative Energy, The Ultimate Ambition of the Project is to be Deployed as a Retro-Fitting Strategy to Tall Unused or Derelict Buildings in Jordan.
The Jordan Gate Towers
Jordan gates towers is a high class commercial and residential project currently under construction in Amman Jordan But the construction halted after 2010, when investors and the city failed to come to an agreement, For the last five years, the 180-meter-tall Jordan Gates towers have stood, nearly complete, atop one of the highest hills in Amman.
The Proposal Aims to Solve the Infrastructural, Economic and Urban Issues of Such a Large Project within a Residential Grid and to integrate it with the proposed system
Inspired by Lebbeus Wood Work “War and Architecture” that Aimed at Proposing the Reconstruction of Buildings that are Damaged or Abounded because of Wars.
The Reconstruction of Old Buildings Must Enable New Ways and Ideas of Living. The Familiar Old Must Be Transformed, By Conscious Intention and Design, into the Unfamiliar New.
The Principle Here is that Reconstruction Integrates People’s Experiences of the Destruction into Needed Social Changes, as well as Architectural Ones.
The Purpose of the New Structure is not Simply to Replace the Old, but—in the First Place— to Reflect the Degree of the Accelerating Random Process of Urbanization as well as Architectural Faults and transformation that we Impose on our Urban Sphere.
We Characterize Architectural Faults by Deformation, Imposing Deformed Geometries to Work as New Types of Spaces Woven into the Surviving Structural Frame, Create a Dialectic Between Timeless and Time Bound, a Network of the Unknown that Inspires both Dialogue and Innovation.
The Imposed Structure will be employed as a mediator between the changes in society on the one side and the urban systems on the other (PARASITE), the parasite means to offer or propose a transformation that currently has no place in the existing systems. It is able to react swiftly do changes in our society.
Project Credits:
Project name: Synth[e]tech[e]cology Parasite
Student name: Alaa Jaber
School: University of Jordan