The Bowooss Bionic Inspired Research Pavilion by School of Architecture at Saarland University
The School of Architecture at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, have lead a collaborative research project into bionic inspired wooden shell structures. The product was a temporary pavilion, inspired by the material-efficient construction methods found in nature. The pattern used to construct this pavilion lets in natural light from every angle, while still providing lightweight, sustainable shelter. It’s easy to imagine how, if strategically covered with some sort of insulating material, such a criss-crossed design could be used to build affordable residences for low-impact home enthusiasts.
The architecture is in the shell construction for ultra-efficient, weitspannende supporting structures. The implementation of such buildings in wood has been rarely used so far, although it, particularly in the context of increasing resource depletion and increasing demands on the CO2 and energy balance, beneficial properties.The collaborative research project is designed to help BOWOOSS bionic approaches, with help to transferable technical approaches in the construction of shells with wood and to implement these on the market in the long term and economically. The surveys started across is focussed on the development of sustainable, flexible and demontabler currently developing light-weight construction solutions for shells and Faltwerkkonstruktionsweisen of roofs with the renewable raw material wood.
Nature provides for the formation of a large number of proposals currently developing light-weight construction solutions for shells. The focus of the investigations are the shells of marine plankton, in particular of diatoms, whose biodiversity The Discovery promises entirely new design principles. The project is supported by the implementation of various research projects, the finding of the peel from wood materials as well as the cost-effectiveness of the Holzbaues as their theme. The research approach for modern Formfindungs BOWOOSS bionically inspired wooden shells and optimization (FO-procedure) for the Holzschalenentwurf be used. These allow Free-Form -design, which will improve classic, closed mathematically recordable form is allowed.