The Heart | Unnamed Association

The Heart

“The clock must have been an attempt of taking the pulse into possession”. By considering that clocks, thus time, are no longer inside of us, we needn’t worry about them anymore.

But this is why we arrive at wasting the pulse – we have disassociated inner time from our own personas. While the outer time is equal to all of us, are heartbeats remain unique, individualistic features. Each heart has individual rhytms, intensities, and in the end, a different number of finite beats from one person to the other. This is how the heart and time are different – time is immutable and infinite. The only common thing left between the two is that both of them shall come to an end the instant the last heartbeat has grown dim. Time as we know it shall fade together with the pulse.

The „Heart” installation is a tribute to this idea. Created out of styrofoam, polyurethane foam, papier mache, stretch fabric and white paint, the prototype is used as a projection envyronment. While using previously created photographs, the mapping was done usind a wide-lens projector by AuralEye, using sounds from WildDraft.
The installation was part of The Unnamed Association’s Art Factory project, which seeks to (re)activate abandoned sites by organizing cultural events meant to reinstate or temporarily revive these passive spaces that are certainly at risk of disappearing. The Unnamed Association is a Bucharest based non-governmental organization founded in 2015 by a team of young artists, art historians and philosophers, its main focus being stimulating artistic and educational practices.

Team: Ilea Claudia, Andra Vlăsceanu, Vlad Bota, Bogdan Topîrceanu
Concept: Bogdan Topîrceanu
and Bogdan Topîrceanu
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