The Nature of Things John Ruppert
In regards to the sculptures by John Ruppert, I believe they represent more of a personal study rather than art. Yes, the sculptures are intriguing and beautiful, but I feel as though the sculptor acquires more from playing with the chain-link mesh than the viewer does seeing the finished result. However the question John Ruppert is asking is a very important one that transcends the ideas of art and sculpture, and is something all designers ask about materiality: What is the nature of things?
Not every metal chain is made equal, and it’s their individual characteristics, some self imposed restrictions, and gravity that makes each sculpture uniquely beautiful. The wire mesh “fabric” he uses is industrial and can be viewed as harsh, but the openings make it appear transparent and light. Context is also important in this work, where the surrounding environment makes the sculpture come to life and strive to be more than a form of metal. The forms interact with everything around them, from the people, to the ocean water, and with each other.
Quotes on the Chain-link Sculpture in reviews.
The Material:
1. It can perform simultaneously as a membrane, as well as a structure.
2. It has a grain; in one direction it is rigid, yet in another, it will collapse on itself.
3. It is loose and malleable yet has great strength under tension.
4. It can be woven in a variety of metals, gauges and mesh sizes.
5. It is seamless…continuous.

Courtesy of John Ruppert