Designed by UM+D through a commission from the department of tourism of the City of Curitiba, this permanent installation of lightweight structures and complex connections have been made in 2011 for the information service center at Rua 24 Horas, completed in November 2011. To cite our release:
The urban depth emerges physically and sensitively in different manners, in an arrange specific to the user and to the multiple relations made possible by the city, inside a connectivity between the parts and the whole. Distinct components link forming an interlocked arrangement structurally specific to the site.
To develop this lightweight structure and its complex connections, Atelier UM+D started from a Delaunay triangulation of a pseudo-random network that is differentially extruded following a set of attractor curves, then extend the connecting nodes’ geometry to stabilize the structural parts in the direction perpendicular thereto. The parametric design have been developed through separated phases of five Grasshopper definitions and one RhinoScript, this mainly for team working, but through these phases 540 unique pieces of polystyrene were CNC cut and assembled with screws to develop the installation. These distinct components link forming an interlocked arrangement structurally specific to the site, in an arrange specific to the user and to the multiple relations made possible by the city, inside a connectivity between the parts and the whole.
Designer: Atelier UM+D
Team: Gustavo Utrabo, Juliano Monteiro, Pedro Duschenes, Ernesto Bueno, Lucas Issey and Marcela Furtado.
Year: 2011.
Location: Rua 24 Horas, Curitiba, Brazil.

Courtesy of Atelier UM+D