In a German town, the name of which has since fled my memory, I walked and climbed through a vertical park of steel and vegetation while on a school trip. The experience is one which will stay with me for years to come; to climb up, through and within the greenery was an experience which is not often had.
This creative proposal for Buenos Aires, Argentina by Influx_Studio, is too be a similar such experience, but one with an added zoological element. The new typology will combine elements from skyscrapers, Ferris Wheels, and zoos to offer a brand new experience to visitors. Below is a further description offered by the architects.
We propose that the whole zoo experience be inspired by the aim of modern Safaris. A trip taken for observes and photograph wildlife where visitors can drive their own vehicles and observe animals free, rather than viewing them in cages or small enclosures. We suggest the redefinition of zoo’s archetype with a new urban function that adds an unexpected bonus to the vertical zoo demanded by the competition’s guidelines: an observation wheel to create a dramatic and surprising city sightseeing safari over Buenos Aires’s skyline!
The wheel injected to the Safari Zoo, will provide a new metropolitan dimension to the Reserve waterfront park, attracting an additional mass of visitors; as well it will reinforce the Reserve’s recreational and leisure vocation. Located in the projection of the visual axe joining the Reserve area to the Obelisk, From there, the zoo, rising 240 meters high, it will create a new visual appeal landmark beyond Puerto Madero’s docks (actually the view is blocked by the docks).
Turning very slowly the observation wheel takes 30 minutes to complete a half circuit. Arrived to the top of the circuit, visitors can make a pause and enjoy sightseeing options at the visitor’s facilities level. It holds the educational program and the cafeteria, gift and souvenirs shop etc. That level is suspended into the void of the master volume above the wheel providing various dramatics and unexpected view sights to visitors.
Our proposal for the Buenos Aires Vertical Zoo is conceived as a new kind of building, issue of several trends, and inspired by worldwide architectural icons. It can be defined as a hybrid that merges the skyscraper, the zoo, and the Ferry’s Wheel into one ecological urban new iconic landmark, encouraging visitors to take action benefitting wildlife and ecosystems.

Courtesy of Influx_Studio