Victoria Secret Lingerie (Para-lingerie) |Bradley Rothenberg, Victoria’s Secret, Swarovski

Para -lingerie. When parametric meets lingerie. Parametric has taken over in the modern times. It’s now seen everywhere in addition to architecture. We can see it in product design, furniture design, jewelry, fashion, art and now it launched one of the biggest and well-known lingerie products, Victoria Secret Lingerie.

Courtesy of © Bradley Rothenberg, Victoria’s Secret, Swarovski

The Victoria Secret Lingerie is made of many snowflakes like pieces,3D printed that interlock with each other to form this rigid layer of fabric that lies on the model’s skin at the fashion show.

Courtesy of © Bradley Rothenberg, Victoria’s Secret, Swarovski

Fashion tries to integrate with the rise of technology in fabrication and design. I see this as an obsession of technology that tries to roll deep into our everyday lives and now used in lingerie.

Courtesy of © Bradley Rothenberg, Victoria’s Secret, Swarovski

Victoria Secret Lingerie:

That’s how it happened. The model’s body gets 3D scanned then the model is fabricated upon the dimensions of the woman’s body out of white nylon.Then the assembly takes place on her body. For sure it’s creative, but I see it doesn’t meet the function well.

Courtesy of © Bradley Rothenberg, Victoria’s Secret, Swarovski

As this rigidity in the fabric turns women’s body to a sculpture that doesn’t move.It’s not practical as the fabric should be smooth and flexible for movement. Creativity has no end, it could turn something real into surreal. We should take care not to get controlled by technology but vice versa.

Courtesy of © Bradley Rothenberg, Victoria’s Secret, Swarovski
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