Woman in White Flower Frenzy Valerie Hegarty
Mixed media in the truest sense of the word, the works by the artist Valerie Hegarty ride the cusp between sculpture, painting and instillation. Composed of a variety of materials ranging from canvas and acrylic paint, to paper, glue, foil, foam, wire, artificial foliage and flowers, sand, and thread, the resulting amalgams appear to leech out from the confines of their frames and into the fabric of the walls on which they sit.
Shown, are two works titled Woman in White, and Flower Frenzy, respectively. A level of refinement exists all the way down to the scale of inches in both works, creating incredibly dense fields of view.
In these, there is a sense of things accumulated over time, as brambles or vines thicken and condense with added years. The works seem almost as if to be outcroppings from some inherent potential previously unseen within the walls.