Work on MAD Architects‘ One River North residential tower in Denver has just begun. The “handcrafted” sixteen-story tower is set to be one of Denver’s landmarks with its facade carved and featured with natural elements and interactive spaces; including more than 13,000 square feet of open-air spaces, a water feature, and trail-like walkways.
Located in Denver’s River North District, One River North is not MAD Architects’ first work in North America, however, it is the first residential one. The award-winning firm took inspiration from the nearby Rocky Mountains that can be viewed from the tower’s roof deck that once completed will feature a pool, a spa, and a garden.
“If we regard modern cities as man-made landscape on the earth, we need to design canyons, woods, creeks, and waterfalls, transforming concrete forests into second nature,”
—Said MAD founder and principal Ma Yansong.
Moreover, the tower will offer 187 residential units with one, two, and three-bedroom units featuring floor-to-ceiling windows and private balconies—the residents can, as well, enjoy the ninth-floor fitness center and yoga studio, from where they can access the outdoor terraces. Moreover, One River North will house 7,995 square feet of retail space, and 178 parking spaces below ground.
MAD Architects Carved One River North’s Facade
The iconic tower is eyecatching with the giant ten-stories high crack in its facade—uncovering another small world that appears to be greener and more dynamic. MAD Architects describe this feature as a “landscaped rift”. This landscape rift will offer outdoor spaces for the residents, employees, and visitors to enjoy.
“The idea is about bringing nature to the modern city. We want to make this a new typology, one that will be very good for the future of architecture, […] We never separate artificial and natural. We use artificial elements to extend the human spirit, […] It is very handcrafted—We want to make every part of it a unique experience.”
—Ma Yansong, founder of MAD Architects said in a Zoom meeting with The Denver Post.
One River North is due to complete by the end of 2021. The executive architect for this project is the Denver-based Davis Partnership Architects, while the project is developed by The Max Collaborative and Uplands Real Estate Partners, members of the Ratner Family, and Founders and Principals of Forest City Enterprises, in partnership with Wynne Yasmer Real Estate.
“One River North is the model for how we should be living, surrounding ourselves in the natural environment, bringing nature into our homes and creating authentic, biophilic experiences coupled with modern comforts and conveniences. The nature-inspired design by MAD Architects was influenced by Colorado’s legendary landforms and merges nature and architecture to inspire a well-balanced life. Its glass façade is likewise ribbed with louvers that regulate sunlight and soften its visual presence, shaping a serene retreat in the sky.
—Kevin Ratner, co-founder of The Max Collaborative.
More by MAD Architects
Two months ago, MAD Architects has revealed their proposal for “The Star”; an office tower inspired by nature located in Los Angeles, California. The Beijing-based firm aims for The Star to be an urban landmark that fosters its inhabitants’ productivity and creativity on one hand— and on the other hand, enhances the pedestrian experience along Hollywood’s Sunset Boulevard.
A little earlier, the firm revealed its cloud-like design for a multi-purpose cultural center for Aranya, China. The Cloud Center will take place in Qinhuangdao, near the Beidaihe coastline in northeastern China, and will be the seaside community’s new focal point and public hub.
MAD Architects is a global architecture firm that was founded in Beijing in 2004 and led by Ma Yansong. Its designs are known to be futuristic and organic. The architects focus on adopting new technologies along with philosophical thoughts, to express the natural and spiritual identity of the Eastern World.