ZA11 Pavilion by Dimitrie Stefanescu, Patrick Bedarf, Bogdan Hambasan
How should one consider the scale of ‘slightly extra-human’? Is it art or is it architecture? Has anyone ever wondered why we ask this question at all? Intellectual growth is probably more important in every case than classification. To classify rather than internalize is to learn nothing more than which file to store something in. This is often the circular bin anyways. This temporary pavilion designed by Dimitire Stefanescu, Patrick Bedarf, Bogdan Hambasan was the flagship pavilion for the ZA11 Speaking Architecture event in Cluj, Romania.
The visually strong, undulating ring form was inspired by site and tightness of funding and was conceived with functionality in mind. And a wonderful function it had: to attract people! Shall we ask again if it is art or architecture? No.
The modular form was developed during a week long workshop and utilizing advanced parametric techniques, employing Rhino/ Grasshopper in such areas as part labeling, construction logic, CNC data and cost- efficiency. The project was funded by sponsors, forcing creative economy in the face of budgetary constraint.
Designers: Dimitrie Stefanescu, Patrick Bedarf, Bogdan Hambasan
Location: Cluj, Romania
Project Year: 2011
Workshop Team: Ciprian Colda, Anamaria Androne, Razvan Sencu, Madalin Gheorghe
Assembly Team: Bogdan Badila, Vlad Pop, Georgiana Hlihor, Denisa Lula, Robert Veber, Zoltan Vaida, Imre Vekove, Ciprian Colda, Mihai Pascalau, Calin Negret, Bogdan Borbei, Iustin Nechiti, Dan Ioanici, Razvan Luca, Stefan Grosariu, Ioana Suceava, Alexandra Man, Andreea Darac, Irina Mates, Oana Bogatan, Andrei Varga, Radu Badila, Elza Sandor, Alex Greceniuc, Oana Matei, Alex Vladovici, Marcel Oprean, Ioan Pop, Vlad Rusu, Ioana Tomoioaga
Photographs: Patrick Bedarf, Georgiana Hlihor, Daniel Bondas, Georgeta Macovei

Courtesy of Dimitrie Stefanescu, Patrick Bedarf, Bogdan Hambasan atrick Bedarf